Museum complex

Hagiography of Euphrosyne of Suzdal

Artifact of Russian hagiography of the end of the XVI century. A copy of the XVIII century
Paper, tempera, cinnabar, half-uncial
From: donated by S.T. Bolshakov in 1893
Shawcase 6

Euphrosyne of Suzdal (secular name - princess Theodoula) – elder daughter of prince Michael of Chernigov who was slaughtered in the Horde. According to the legend, when Batu Khan took Suzdal its monastery of the Deposition was saved from devastation by prayers of Euphrosyne: a dark cloud came down to the invaders and over a cell shined a unendurably bright light with a cross seen in it. Frightened enemies could not reach the cell. Even Batu Khan could not come close to the monastery the next day when he came to the place where a miracle had happened. Batu Khan tried to see the monastery from a hill, but it hid from him. The conqueror ordered to leave the monastery without trying to take it again.
A miniature picture shows Batu Khan taking the city Suzdal in 1238.

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Euphrosyne of Suzdal (secular name - princess Theodoula) – elder daughter of prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov who was slaughtered in the Horde in 1246 because he refused to worship the posthumous image of Genghis Khan.
According to the legend, when Batu Khan took Suzdal in February of 1238 its monastery in honor of the Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Mother of God was saved from devastation by prayers of Euphrosyne. A dark cloud came down to the invaders and over a cell shined an unendurably bright light with a cross seen in it. Frightened enemies could not reach the cell. Even Batu Khan could not come close to the monastery the next day when he came to the place where a miracle had happened. Batu Khan tried to see the monastery from a hill, but it hid from him. The conqueror ordered to leave the monastery without trying to take it again.
Saint Euphrosyne was canonized by Russian Orthodox Church. Her hagiography was written by George, conventual of the Suzdal Saviour Monastery of St. Euthymius. In this hagiography besides miracles made during her life are two stories about posthumous miracles the author witnessed. One of them is dated 1558 that suggests that the hagiography was written between 50-ies and 60-ies pf the XVI century.
The Suzdal convent in honor of the Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Mother of God is one of the oldest monasteries in Russia and it was founded in 1207 by Suzdal’s bishop John. In old times its’ lands were located on a territory of the Posad - an unprotected settlement outside a walled-in fortress. “If you go in Suzdal along the Posad from stockade’s flow slide to the Monastery of Our Saviour by a big street, on the left there will be monastery of venerable princess Euphrosyne of Suzdal.” The Suzdal triple-domed cathedral of the Placing of the Honorable Robe of the Mother of God was built in 1520-1560 and is the oldest building remained.
A miniature picture shows Batu Khan taking the city Suzdal in 1238.
