Museum complex


Northern India, Rajasthan
XVIII Century
Inscriptions in niello technique in Arabic script: “Mikhail Grigoryevich Chernyayev”; “To his Excellency, as a gift from the people of Tashkent”; and a date: “1282 AH” – in the year of Hijra (according to Christian calendar 1865)
Silver, damask steel, fabric; forging, gold notch, niello, engraving
Diameter: 57 cm
Receipt: gift of A.M.Chernyseva
Showcase 1

Mikhail G.Chernyaev (1828–1898), Governor-General of Turkestan region, Commander-in-Chief of the Serbian army, participant of the Crimean (Eastern) war and military operations in the Caucasus. In history of Russia and the liberation movement of the Slavic peoples Chernyaev’s name is inextricably bound with subjugation of Central Asia and struggle for independence of Serbia.
This shield was presented to M.G.Chernyaev in November of 1865 by Muslim Clergy and Nobility of Tashkent city as a symbol of gratitude and respect.
After successful capture of Tashkent in June of 1865 M.G.Chernyaev received from his contemporaries the honorable name of “The Lion of Tashkent”.

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The gift of the shield by the Central Asian authorities was accompanied by an address (kept in the Department of written sources of the SHM). It claims: “Dearest Mikhail Grigorievich. It is already fifth month since You according to commandment of the Great White Tsar have conquered us, rule us, and rule like no one ever did before. You are not our conqueror, but rather a true deliverer from our previous despots, on the whim of which depended not only our welfare but also our very lives. Your meek fatherly rule made us understand, that if there is happiness in this world, it is the happiness to be subject of the Great Russian Tsar and to have such governor as You are, dearest Mikhail Grigorievich. What we have said is not flattery; it is the Holy truth, which is told to you by representatives of more than 100 thousands of Tashkent residents, who are now experiencing true well-being under your wise rule. You in such a short time by vigilant care managed to bring considerable improvements into our life sometimes by council and sometimes by material donations. Each of us has access to you at any time, and you would always listen with meekness and patience to our complaints, to which you would find solutions without any delay. ...Your contribution is more precious than any gift, and we hope, that as a father from his children, you will not refuse to accept from grateful Tashkent in this day, i.e. the day of your angel, a shield, which shall be a shield against the enemies of Russia and Your foes as well. The gift is not costly, its value is not in its price, but in the fact that it is a gift from a hundred of thousands of Tashkent people, who sincerely and cordially love you and are praying to God to grant you many years of good health and long rule of us".
The shield is made of damask steel. The surface of the shield is decorated with silver plates filled with inscriptions made in niello technique in Arabic graphics: “Mikhail Grigorievich Chernyaev”; “To his Excellency, as a gift from the people of Tashkent”. The silver plate in the shape of a palmette carries the date: “1282 AH” – in the year of Hijra, which corresponds to 1865 of the Christian calendar.
On the silver plates, placed on the edge of the shield are the names of those who made the gift. Among them is Khakim-Khoja-kazy who was the head of the Tashkent Clergy and representatives of the city’s Nobility. The shield is decorated with five decorative belts. On one of them are inscribed poems praising the courage and justice of the Padishah.
