Museum complex

Granted charter of tsars Ivan and Peter sons of tsar Alexey to the closest boyar Stepan Ivanovich Saltykov and his sons for the votchina (or fiefdom –a land estate that could be inherited) in Vyazemsk

Along edges - images of emblems in accordance with titles of Russian sovereigns. The pendent seal is lost.
Parchment, ink, gold paint, watercolor, ink; manuscript
68,8 x 89 cm
From: bought from S.N. Troynitskiy, 1927
Showcase 2

Saltykovs (Soltykovs) – is a Russian boyar clan that has its origin from the XIII century. The rise of Saltykovs influence in the end of the XVII century followed marriage of Peter’s I brother tsar Ivan Alekseevich (1666-1696) and Praskovya Fedorovna Saltykova (1664-1723) in 1684. In the Time of Troubles of the beginning of the XVII century great-grandfather of Praskovya Fedorovna with his sons happened to be in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (Poland). The Saltykov brothers returned to Russian allegiance only in the middle of the century, after the Russian-Polish war of 1654-1655 and the return of Smolensk Voivodship to Russia, where their estates were located.
The chartered of 1695 confirmed the rights of the uncle of tsarina Stepan Ivanovich Saltykov and his sons Fedor and Ivan to the old votchina "in in Vyazemskiy uyezd (uyezd is an administrative subdivision) in Tesovsky volost" Tesovo village "with villages and with repairs, with wastelands, with arable lands and with forests, with hay mows, with settlements and with sites, with mosses and marshes, with rivers and lakes, with fishing and with mills and with all sorts of lands that belong to Tesovsky volost and to the village Tesovo... ”.

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Stepan Ivanovich Saltykov (died circa 1706) was a stolnik and a boyar, he served in different years as a voivod in Veliky Ustyug, Tobolsk. In 1681-1690 he was in charge of the Judgment Prikaz. On November 1, 1698, Peter I entrusted to him the responsible post of governor of the conquered Azov, which Saltykov ruled until 1700. According to an eyewitness, Stepan Ivanovich had a diligent attitude to Peter’s favorite work - the construction of ships. In December 1700, foreign shipwright E. Beckgam informed Peter that the governor "comes to watch the fleet every day, and today he came and said he would live near the fleet and ordered me to do everything that was necessary." His last years S. I. Saltykov lived in Moscow retired.
Fedor Stepanovich Saltykov (died in 1715) was a chamberlain of the bedchamber (a palace rank in the Moscow State of the 16th - 17th centuries), later a naval agent in London. He studied maritime affairs abroad; in Russia he led the construction of ships. He made the project of the expedition for finding a sea route to India through the Arctic Ocean.
Ivan Stepanovich Saltykov (died after 1713) was a resident of Moscow (a serving rank in the Moscow State of the 16th – 17th centuries), a participant of the Northern War, a lieutenant in command of the famous military leader Prince Nikita Ivanovich Repnin.
